Renewable Energies

Renewable energy sources can be used over and over again and won’t run out. Technologies are used to catch these energies that are given freely by nature and then manipulated to make electricity.

The sun, waves, winds, running water, wood and manure and heat from the earth are the renewable energy sources.

~Hydro-electric energy: running water that flows through tunnels of specially made dams to turn turbines of generators that make electricity.
~Solar energy: the sun’s light hits photovoltaic cells on solar panels which converts it into electricity.
~Wind energy: when there are differences in temperature and pressure= the sun heats the earth which causes hot air and then cooler air comes, making winds to turn wind turbines of generators to make electricity.
~Biomass: burnt animal droppings or wood and the steam turn turbines to make electricity.
~Wave energy: the power of the waves which turn turbines to make electricity.
~Tidal energy: the movement of water in the sea that then turn generators to make electricity.
~Geothermal energy: the heat from deep within the earth or from hot water springs that causes steam which can be used to turn turbines of generators to make electricity.

Negative Aspects:
         They are ugly to be found in the environment.
        They disrupt nature by their noise and dangerous heating and some kill the living animals and plants from its turning blades.
        They take more time to get and have to be properly used and preserved.
        Expensive equipment to buy and build. Also parts of a building have to be removed to install solar cells.
        Sometimes, there is no or very low energy on specific days such as no sun on cloudy days, low winds and calm seas.
        Takes up space that could be used for something else and there aren’t enough space to put up places where the energy could be obtained.
        Other harmful gases and minerals may surface from geothermal power stations and can be difficult to control.
        For waves as an energy source, the waves vary in amount and strength so the amount of electricity does too- this is the same for wind as well
        Finding a way to transport wave energy from the sea to the land.
         To get electricity by tidal, the tides only come twice a day.
        You need a lot of wind power to make electricity.
        Building dams may damage the nearby wildlife and dams.
        When the energy source doesn’t give enough of energy then there won’t be enough power to turn the turbines to make electricity.

Positive Aspects:
        It doesn’t harm the environment as much as non-renewable energy sources do because they are carbon neutral or doesn’t produce greenhouse gases.
        There are technologies to catch the energy from these natural resources.
        There are plenty of these energy sources and they don’t run out.
        From nature and given almost everyday for free.
         You know when tides are going to occur.
        There are few safety risks to worry about for most of the renewable energy sources.