Non-Renewable Energies

Fossil fuels and nuclear power are the non-renewable energy sources, which mean that they will run out eventually. We have been using these sources for quite a time and have also come to depend on these sources of energy and because of this, became careless and overused it, as a result, big problems have occurred all over the world. Soon, the price for these energy resources is going to increase. Non-renewable energy runs most things on Earth so when it finally runs out, we will be in trouble unless we get used to getting it from renewable sources that are not easily obtained. 
Negative Aspects of Non-renewable energy
•  Non-renewable energies are dangerous and harmful for the environment even though they come from the environment itself. They pollute the air with greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane they produce when they are burned which contributes in causing the deterioration of the already holing ozone layer. It also means that we destroy the environment to get these energy sources, which is not environmentally-friendly at all.
•  Fossil fuels take a long time to form (a million years).
   They are costly to get and are inefficient because it makes unnecessary waste - loses energy across the energy chain.
    It burns off quickly.
     There are mining places that are noisy and not very nice to look at.
     Transportation of these energies uses energy itself and adds to global warming.
    When burning coal, acid is produced.
     The people who help work these non-renewable sources are always at a risk of dying, having an accident and become unhealthy and ill.
     There are risks that nuclear power stations will be sabotaged or attacked by terrorists.
    When nuclear power is being produced, radioactive energy is released which can make harmful acids and time is wasted to remove it.
     There are very few fossil fuels to be found now that can last for only a few hundred years, since they are used everywhere for the machines that we make and buy, plus the electricity. It’s consumed faster than the rate they are produced and found.
FACT: We are getting more energy from the sun in one week than all the fossil fuels on earth. 

Positive Aspects of Non-renewable energy
   They are faster to get and cheap to use because it is already under the ground yet to be found and burnt to make electricity or as a fuel.
   It is currently plentiful.
    Easy to transport.
   Only a small amount of nuclear power can make a lot of energy and doesn’t produce harmful greenhouse gases.
    The workers have a job and get lots of income.

     What is Nuclear Power?
    Nuclear fuel is not a fossil fuel but is also a non-renewable energy source. It is made from Uranium Ore that’s found underneath the ground. It is purified to make Uranium metal used in power plants.